Oakdale community forum to tackle money in politics

River Valley Action will host a forum entitled “Follow the Money: How big money influences our elections and public policy” Aug. 8, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., in Peter O’Neill Hall at Guardian Angels Church in Oakdale.

From the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling to the influence groups like ALEC are having on the legislative process, Minnesotans are seeing the impact that big money is having on our elections, public policy, and civic dialogue. Panelists at the Aug. 8 forum will provide an in-depth look at the changes. Panelists include:

• Tom Horner, 2010 Independence Party candidate for governor.
• State Sen. John Marty, a DFLer.
• Beth Hawkins, a journalist from MinnPost.

The discussion will be moderated by former Minnesota House Minority Leader Matt Entenza.

The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

River Valley Action is a group for citizens of the St. Croix Valley area who value a healthy and informed civic community. The nonpartisan group is “associated with labor unions, nonprofit organizations and faith communities,” and it focuses on public policy at the state and local levels.

For more information go to www.RiverValleyAction.org.